Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ann Coulter.
As Billy Joel said, what else can I say?
I mean, I plain out don't get her. I dislike her like Republicans hate Rosie. Only Rosie would not wish that a Presidental candidate get killed by a terroist. She might not put a sad face when Jerry Falwell dies, but I digress.
Annie baby seems to be one of those people who just likes to go there. Like: "oh, wow, she didn't go there in saying the Jersey Girls are profiting off their husband's deaths" or "she didn't go there in saying Katie Couric is Eva Braun, did she?"
But she does. Over and over again.
So why are we so suprised when she does pull stunts like this?
I wish Elizabeth Edwards was running for office.
And Henry Rollins put it best here:

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yes, I am still...
the worst blogger ever

So here's a quick rundown on what's been going on:

1. I turned 35 two weeks ago.
It's still a shock that I'm 35. I mean, I know I'm that age, but still it's like whoa, I'm old. I had a very mellow birthday, nothing big.
2. My niece turned four. Her parents threw her a great party with all the kids in her daycare attending, 13 kids in all. That was a wild and crazy time.
3. Celebrity Fit Club's finale. I am never going to watch Saved By The Bell the same ever again. Screech, what gives?
4. My house is being painted white so it's has all this plastic over the windows. I feel like I'm living in a bubble.
5. Am reading the new Michael Chabon book. Really good but oy! (The characters are Jewish so I can say oy) It takes a while for the story to move along.
6. I so love the new Diet Coke with minerals and vitamins.
7. I have seen 65 of the 100 AFI's Best Movies.
8. Sopranos finale: Thanks David Chase, for no one getting married, no one saying "GOOD-BYE" in rocks, or it was all a dream.
And now, in honor of summer:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Worst... blogger.... ever!!
I just have been busy, getting some writing jobs, mourning the death of Christopher on Sopranos.
Okay, I haven't seen Christopher's death, but thanks to Rosie O'Donnell, I found out.
I was saddened to hear of Terry Ryan's death last week to cancer. It wasn't unexpected; she had been sick for so long. But still. Ryan wrote The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, a love letter to her mother, Evelyn Ryan. Evelyn Ryan supported her family (nine children) with her entries in contests for commerical jingles, writing contests, you name it, she did it. The dad Kelly Ryan was alcoholic and not reliable, so it was up to her to support the family. Because of Evelyn Ryan, she won a house, bikes for the kids, cars that would end up sold but they always needed the money, a trip to New York, and a trip to Texas when she won a contest sponsored by Dr. Pepper. She had a no nonsense attitude to her husband; she simply did the best she could, knowing she couldn't fix him, but she had to raise her children. Terry Ryan wrote about it, and it was made into a movie with Julianne Moore and Woody Hareleson. Sadly it was not a big hit, although I don't know why.
Condolences go out to her wife, Patricia Holt, former book review editor of the SF Chronicle.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

It's over.

It's done.

Gilmore Girls, the show that saw me through unemployment, going back to school, and life, was canceled today.


I knew it was going to happen. I'll be honest, this season was so uneven. But still, it's all done.

I'll write a longer post about GG later. Until then, a moment of silence.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy Birthday, Judy Collins!!!!

I have almost all of Ms. Collins' albums; her voice has seen me through good times and bad. She has survived so much-especially the death of her only child, Clark, due to suicide. Yet she keeps on singing. That to me is amazing.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Dear Alec Baldwin:

I'm tired of you.

I'm tired of hearing about your phone call to your daughter (although the media is to blame for that)

Although I'm know parental alientation does exist, I'm tired of your "I'm sorry I said it but my ex wife the Bitch drove me to it" story. Although your ex doesn't get off the hook, I'm tired of people blaming others for their problems.

When I saw you on The View, acting like the dad of the year because your daughter forgot her ballet shoes, I rolled my eyes. I did the same when you talked about how you caressed your daughter's hair and then you told the story about how one time your ex woke your daughter by saying "Get the hell up! We have to get going!"

Guess what?

Remembering to bring your daughter's ballet shoes doesn't mean you are Father of the Year.

Caressing your daughter's hair to wake her up is well, I'm sorry, icky.

Also, there have been times when all moms run in their daughter's rooms and yell at them to get up. Myself included.

Then again, I shouldn't talk: When I stayed with my dad around the times my mom had to go out of town to work, I would have to wake him up. "Daddy, I have to get to school by 8:15!" Otherwise I get points taken away!" He would be on the couch, saying "What? Huh?" He is not a morning person, needless to say.

But let me tell you something about my father: God knows he and my mother had their stuff, but they were there for me when it mattered. And when they were there for me, they were a united front.

That is what saddens me about this whole mess. When your daughter graduates from high school, college, or when she gets her heart broken or a bad work experience happens, she will need her parents both to be there and get her though it.

By badmouthing your ex on TV, and revealing certain things about her, I don't know if that united front will ever happen.

So Alec, it's up to you. You are forty something years old. Don't blame anyone else for what you did. Try and do what is right for your daughter.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you...
Mary Tillman, Woman of the Year:

Girls like me have raised presidents. We've raised messiahs and musicians, writers and settlers. Girls like me won't compromise, and we won't fail.

Allison Crews