Thursday, April 26, 2007

And now my weird story from the Y yesterday.

I had just finished my body sculpting class, and was in the locker room getting dressed. All of a sudden, a woman yelled: "Get a doctor! Someone who works here! A woman is having a seizure!"

Before I knew it, someone was on the phone calling upstairs, and they rushed to her side. They called 9-1-1, and I stood by the doorframe, not wanting to crowd but wanting to see if I could help. I heard someone asking for wet towels, so I wet some towels in a sink.

While I was doing this, a woman approached me and asked "Excuse me, where is the scale?"

I looked at her and said: "I don't know." Then I rushed over to the hot tub where the woman was laying and I gave another woman a towel. "Do you need another one?" I asked.

"Yes, please."

So while I was rushing to the sink, another YMCA lady was running to get the first aid kit (I guess it had something to do about seizures) Scale Lady said to her: "Oh, excuse me, where are the scales?"

"I can't help you right now," Y Lady said, "we have an emergency."

Well Scale Lady simply looked put out.

I wet another towel and brought it over. I decided to go because the woman was being tended to and while I was leaving Scale Lady said to another woman: "Where in the world are the scales?"

The woman told her, and Scale Lady looked at the woman lying down on the floor and she said: "Did something happen? And where are the scales again?"

Telling this story gives me some comfort that no matter what, I could never be that narcisstic.

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